Should you read the last page of a book first?

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You may be thinking to yourself… that’s nuts, who would want to read the end of a book first? After all, reading the end of a book could mean discovering huge spoilers, and thereby ruin the experience of reading. Why read an entire book if you already know how it ends? I would argue that knowing the end of a book would not actually ruin your experience, but might actually enhance your reading experience. It might sound crazy to you now, but give me a chance to explain. Here are some of the reasons why I like to read the end of a book first:

  1. Is the end really the end?

    Have you ever come to the end of a book only to find out that there wasn’t a “real” ending? That the story in fact will continue in another volume? To me, there is nothing worse that enjoying reading a book, only to find out that the story is not complete. This especially comes into play when you are reading multiple books in a series. If the author has not shared exactly how many books may be in that series, or that there will even be a series, then you have no way of knowing if it will be the last book or not until you get to the end. I can vividly remember reading a book I was looking forward to, the third in a series which I thought was going to be a trilogy. I remember how excited I was when that third book came out. I was really looking forward to finding out how the series ended. After I brought that book home, I stayed up all night reading it. Then, I got to the end of the book, and got the big black letters, “To Be Continued”… There was going to be a fourth book! I was so furious that I literally threw this book across my room, and it was a hardcover! Now, I always check to make sure that I won’t be surprised or disappointed if there’s going to be a sequel to the book I’m reading. There is nothing wrong with being prepared, and knowing that not everything will be wrapped up at the end of the current book.

  2. The journey is better than the destination

    We all love getting to wherever it is we’re trying to go. Sometimes, it can even be a challenge to get to your destination or goal, but then you look back and think about the adventure it took to get you there, and what could possibly be better than that? Knowing the end of a book doesn’t change the fact that you’re still going to have to read the entire book to find out how that ending happened. If it’s a really shocking ending, even better! Wondering how the heck something happened may make your reading experience even more exciting as you try to piece together the possible steps that need to be taken in order to get to that ending. It can be like putting together the pieces of a puzzle, and I do love a good puzzle. Reading the end of a book can turn any book, no matter what genre, into a mystery. The thought of getting to find out how that ending happened, can be more enjoyable than just reading the book straight through.

  3. Is reading this book worth your time?

    Sitting down to read a book can be a commitment. Even if you read every day, deciding what book to give your precious time to can be a tough decision. This is especially true if you’re thinking about starting an extra long book, or maybe trying out a new genre or series. Before you commit, wouldn’t it be great to know if the time you spend reading will be worthwhile? Sure, you can read summaries and/or reviews and that may be helpful, but ultimately the decision is yours. Knowing how a book ends might be just the information you need in order to make your decision. If you need a happy ending in your life, make sure no one dies at the end before picking up a piece of dramatic fiction. If you have a favorite character in a series and are anxious for their fate, isn’t it better to know than to be left surprised and angry after putting time and energy into reading a story? Sure, you will find out the ending of the book eventually (assuming you read it till the end), but there’s nothing wrong with being prepared, and getting all the information you need in order to make a decision on what to read.

  4. It’s a compulsion

    Full disclosure… I’ve been doing this for a long time, so I don’t think I can stop now. If I’m reading a series where I’m familiar with the characters and general plot, flipping to the last page may be the first thing I do when I get another book from that series. If I’m reading a new story, I may wait a few chapters, or even halfway through the book before deciding to flip to the end one day. Inevitably, at some point I will flip to the back of any book I pick up because I just can’t help myself. At this point, it would feel strange not to, like something was missing. I have actually actively tried not looking at the last page of a book, but then I end up thinking about it so much, that I need to do it in order to be able to enjoy the rest of my reading experience. Once you start, you may not be able to stop as well.

Do I have issues? Probably. But for all the reasons I shared above, this is why I always flip to the last page of my books first. Have I convinced you to give this a try? What are your reasons for flipping to the back of the book? Or do you still think that’s crazy? Come find the Kris Reviews page on Facebook, or @Kris_Reviews on Instagram and share your reasons why or why not.


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